Monday, December 29, 2014

Breakfast Pizza

If you've followed me for any amount of time you are probably aware that our family uses The Domestic Man's Cast iron Pizza Crust. We use to use only Cauliflower Pizza Crusts but once we found the cast iron version there was no going back. It's easy and soooooo good! The favorite feature of the crust is that you can pick it up and eat it.....the boys pointed that out. 

So a few weeks back while trying to think of something different for breakfast we ended up with this little bit of heaven. Breakfast pizza was born and a quick add to the family favorites. 

Step 1: Follow the directions for The Domestic Man's Cast iron Pizza Crust here.
* The only adjustment I make to this recipe is to baste the bottom of the pan with bacon grease. This makes the crust nice and CRISPY. I also use a 15" pan so I only make one large pizza instead of two smaller. If you are using a smaller pan you'll want to cut the below recipe in half as his crust states it makes 2 crusts. 

Step 2: Brown / cook the meat you'll add to the pizza. Today we used 1 lb of browned local pork sausage. We've used canidian bacon before also. 

Step 3: While the crust is baking for the initial 6 minutes you'll want to prepare your toppings. Saute two large hand fulls of finely diced spinach (I have to hide the stuff from the kids) in bacon grease for a minute or two. 

Step 4: Whisk 1 dozen eggs and add to pan with spinach. Cook for a few minutes until almost done but still a little bit slimy. 

Step 5: When pizza comes out of the oven for the initial 6 minutes you'll want to top with your choice of pizza sauce followed by the cooked meat. Then spread the mostly cooked eggs overtop of the pizza followed by about 1/2 cup of shredded cheese. We used Kerry Gold GrassFed Cheddar.

WOW - bad photo! Sorry :(

Step 6: Place pizza back in oven to cook about 10 more minutes, or until you feel it's done. 

When mine comes out of the oven I remove it from the castiron onto a pizza sheet for serving / cutting.

Our leftovers, yes there are some, we just eat cold and it's YUMMY!