A rather harsh title I know. However as I laid in bed this morning running this post through my head it's what came to mind. I know that many people know the passion that drives our family to become healthier each year, to question what doctors tell us, to push our bodies further and to not just sit idly by and let life happen to us.
Perhaps from the outside I might seem as though I'm being dramatic. But put yourself in my shoes for a moment. Have you:
- ever had to restrain your child so you or he didn't get hurt?
- had your child charge you with a blank look in their eyes?
- looked into your child's eyes and saw his brain racing?
- looked in your child's and seen nothing but blank hate or rage?
- had your child ask you why their brain won't stop racing?
- had to throw your fully clothed child into a cold shower to break their anger and settle down?
- had to make that horrible decision to medicate your child because you knew no other ways?
- ever had the fear that one day your child was going to be bigger and stronger than you and you wouldn't be able to control him in a fit of anger?
- had to sit in a doctors office and have them tell you that your child has severe anger management issues and needs to be put on tranquilizers?
- had your child ask you if tranquilizers were the things they gave to animals in a zoo?
...the last one was the the last straw. After Dawson asked me that question I came home and cried. I told God I was done fighting and that I didn't have the answers. I asked him to show us the path he wanted us to take. Unknown to us God had been setting up a path over the previous years that lead to that day. He had put Anna in our lives and Dr. Robson. Anna's family had been through NAET's with wonderful results and I'd remembered a conversation I'd had with her several months before. Dr. Robson was a wonderful open minded family doctor that supported us through our journey with NAET's. You can read about Dawson's story here.
So back to the anniversary. 5 years ago this month we got our son back. He was unmedicated, we could really see him for the time for more than a few moments at a time. He was in more control over his emotions than he'd ever been. The best sentence, next to "I love you mom", came out of him. I asked him how he was feeling and he replied "good, my brain has stopped". Can you imaging being age 10 and under and having your brain spin out of control and not being able to control your actions and reactions?
After 10 years of dealing with different suggested diets, ear infections, antibiotics, dr. visits, listening the 'them' tell me what was right and wrong for my child, and not questioning enough, we were done. So how is this all linked back to food? The most true sentence out there that sums it up is that "you are what you eat". In reading Dawson's story you'll understand more, but at the end of the day the american diet with all the processed foods is the worst thing. Doctors and shots / medications are NOT always the answer.
My hope in sharing blog / FB posts about food and exercise is that it makes one more person aware that there are other options. It's more than just a yummy dish that I'm preparing for my family. It's a dish that ,in my eyes, is the difference between my family being healthy or not. It's a dish that gives them the proper energy to live life, have clear brains, learn, laugh, play and love all while allowing their bodies to be as God intended, DRUG / Chemical FREE.
A question I often get is do we 'cheat'. The answer is yes. I don't consider it cheating, as it's a choice we make knowing the outcome. If the boys are with friends they may have a slice of pizza or a cupcake or Kevin and I might have a drink or an old favorite food. Our every day diet is as clean as we can afford it to be so an allowance here or there we consider fine. We are doing our best both in diet and exercise to keep our family healthy.
My hope is that people take a step back and look at what they can do to improve their health naturally, question everything, have an open mind to alternative methods and make an informed choice. Simply put "Let food be thy medicine, and let they medicine be food." -Hippocrates