Friday, January 31, 2014

Raising a Natural Baby

Article 1: Pregnancy to Birthing
By: Andrea

So I had my second child last October. My first was, well…my first. We all know things go better the second time around. Not that I was a horrible mom the first time. I just didn’t know what I was doing even with 15 years of working with kids from infancy to late teens, none of it really applied to my own kid. So the second time around I was determined to do things more natural. I did things natural with my first but I was not as educated as I could have been.

My first pregnancy and birthing goals: simple, eat good and no meds for a natural birth. Outcome, chemical loaded diet (unknown to me at the time), and no meds had no idea what I was doing natural birth. Should I say painful? That’s a given with an unmediated birth. So I will just say it hurt…a lot…more than anything I’ve ever been through…ever.

After losing 50 pounds I found myself at the healthiest and cleanest I’ve been my whole life. My PCOS was absent so my cycles started to be regular for the first time in my life and I found myself pregnant with my second child. It was time to revisit my old goals of pregnancy and birthing naturally. Keep my paleo diet was easy beside the cravings. I was ok with that as long as I held it to one or two a week.  It was my birth of my child I focused on the most.  Here were my goals, why they are important to me and how I accomplished them.

From Beginning to End:
Be surprised in gender. With our first we were surprised and it was amazing to be fully introduced to our daughter and we wanted the same. It’s the same way most women in history have done it. It’s only recently that we have technology to give us this information. Also we don’t know the full effect of ultrasound on a baby.

Goal 1: Deliver at a birthing center. Why? I delivered at the hospital the first time and it went well. I needed to meet the requirements for the birth center health wise. So it was really up to my body the most. No high blood pressure for example. Result: My health stayed in great shape even after gaining almost 60 pounds (I gain a tone of water weight with pregnancy) and I delivered at 41.2 weeks to a 9lb13oz baby boy.

Goal 2: Use a midwife. Why: A midwife will follow ones guidelines for birth and help a mom through it. Only taking action when safety of mom and baby is required. Result: I’m lucky. My sister in law is my midwife and she is awesome. She was on board with everything I wanted and guided me with her educated knowledge.

Goal 3: Labor at home until it was time to go to birthing center. Why? If one rushed to the hospital too soon in labor in can actually slow down the process. I wanted that familiar home to be calm and move things along at its own pace. Result: I went into labor at 12:30am. Labored at home for two hours, letting my husband sleep. I knew he needed it to be alert later on when I was exhausted. I went into the birth center when my contractions were 3 minutes apart. (I have fast labors, my first was 6 hours, this one was 9)

Goal 4: Know more about the birthing process. Why? I didn’t take any class the first time. I watched 4 natural child births and I thought I could do it. None of those were first time births. I felt like I didn’t know what was happening last time. Out of control. I wanted to know more about natural birth. Result: I took a Bradley Method class which was focused on husband coached natural childbirth. It was amazing. My husband thought it cost too much but in the end he thought it was worth it as well.

Goal 5: No medicine for labor. Why? We don’t know the full effects of any meds on baby. Doctors tell us they are safe but there are studies out there that say different. We do know that induction labors and births are longer because it also relaxes baby. Result: No meds!!!

Goal 6: Know different positions for labor. Why? I labored on my side and back for my first. Didn’t know what else to do. Result: I labored in a birthing tub and every position possible. I the end I ended up in a bed. Baby was facing up and not down. He turned himself once I was on my back.

Goal 7: Have some family at B.C. Why? I wanted my daughter to be there as well and my mom and dad. Result: Who was in the room: My husband, my daughter, My mom and dad, My midwife, My friend (who was getting her RN degree), My photographer, Student Midwife

Goal 8: Educate my daughter about the birthing process so she can attend (she was 6.5yrs). Why? Since I’m a teacher I thought that my daughter would love seeing her sibling come into the world. She attending one Bradley class with us, and I explained the process with her on her level throughout pregnancy also. Watched some natural birth DVD and answered any questions. Result: She loved it! My friend RN did a great job at taking care of her during labor. Explaining things and reading books. My daughter even joined my in the tub for a bit and rubbed my back and gave me many kisses. In the end she plugged her ears because mommy was loud. But she loved it as you can see.

Goal 9: No meds for baby after. Why? Why? Why get meds if it’s not needed. I’m negative for everything so we choose no eye goop. We want our child to see mom for nursing to create that bond. Result: We did choose Vitamin K shot as it is in a neonatal dose. It’s for blood clotting. A baby’s blood does not clot until around day 8. We thought is case of an accident this would be a safe thing.

Goal 10: I pull my baby out, Why? My husband helped with my first and he was helping this time. But I wanted to help also. Result: My hands, my husband’s hand, my midwifes hands in the photo to the right.

Goal 11: Delayed Cord Clamping. Why? There are studies that prove to delay cord clamping reduces the risk of jaundice. Delayed cord clamping give the time needed for the entire baby’s blood from placenta and cord to go into baby. Cord is clamped when it stops pulsing.  Result: This happened. My daughter and husband cut the cord when it was time.

Goal 12: Skin to Skin right away. Why? This helps regulate baby’s body temperature and breathing. It also calms baby down from the dramatic experience of birth. Result: He laid on me for about 30 minutes, maybe longer. I don’t really recall time on this one.

Goal 13: Nursing within 15 min. Why? This helps with bonding, and for a placenta to release from uterus wall.
Result: Nursing within 15 minutes. Nursed like a champ! Only left after a while to get weighted and measured. No bath.

Goal 14: No bath – keep the vernix. Why? Vernix is proven to help moisturize skin and is absorbed back in the skin. It also has antimicrobial properties.
Result: He didn’t have that much, but it was absorbed within two hours. No bath for him. He didn’t have much as you can see.

Goal 15: If boy – delay circumcise. Why? Really? Cut the little guy after he just squeezed himself through the birth cannel? Let the little man heal before trimming off extra skin. As for why… my husband did the research and made that decision. It’s based off health and religious beliefs. Results: We waited until he was six days old. It went well and it healed awesome.

Goal 16: Go home same day. Why? I want to sleep in my own bed. Results: After seven hours of recovery at the birth center we went home a family of four. As for sleeping in my bed…that didn’t happen until later.

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