Friday, September 20, 2013

Warm Breakfast

Back in the olden days (a year and a half ago) my kids loved their oatmeal, especially on cold days. Since oats were gone from our diet they've made do with Paleo cereals, which they love. However that warm creamy oatmeal for really cold days has been missing, until this!

This past winter while I was searching for new meals I came across this great recipe from Paleo Spirit. I was delighted to see that one of the ingredients was Flax Meal. I first stocked this item for this recipe and we've used several times since then. I like adding new ingredients to the pantry. We've gotten to the point with our pantry that even the odd ingredients are stocked in there. I like when I look at a new recipe and have all the seasonings or dry ingredients (saves on the grocery bill). 

This took maybe 10 minutes to put together!

Paleo Breakfast Porridge
by Paleo Spirit
You can find the recipe here.

                2 ripe bananas (or one large, very ripe, plantain), mashed
                2 cups coconut milk (or 1 can plus extra water)
                3/4 cup almond meal
                1/4 cup flax meal
                1 teaspoon cinnamon
                1/2 teaspoon ginger
                1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
                1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
                1/8 teaspoon celtic sea salt
                maple syrup or raw honey (optional)
                toppings like berries, unsweetened coconut flakes, nuts, seeds, etc… (optional)

I put all the ingredients into a pot and heated over a medium fire. I did leave out the maple syrup / raw honey and it tasted very good. With the dish heated through I served to the boys plain. I put a few almond slices on mine and it was very good. I’m going to re make this again this next week and remember to pick up some blueberries to top it with.

So the next cold morning you are craving something warm give this recipe a try!


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